TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Kriti Sanon shared a selfie along with a wild cat here in Zambia. Kriti on Friday night shared a photograph of herself along with a cheetah. “He wanted a selfie! Couldn”t say no. Zambia,” she captioned the image.
She took to her Instagram stories, where she is seen walking a cheetah and even giving water to one. However, this did not go down well with several social media users who slammed the “Luka Chuppi” actress. A social media user wrote: “Bollywood is a double standard place.
They support PETA but they also promote animal tourism. Just disgusting.” Another commented: “Animal cruelty spotted.” One user urged her to “stop promoting the captivity of wild animals”. On the acting front, Kriti will next be seen in “Panipat” alongside Sanjay Dutt and Arjun Kapoor.