TIL Desk Bollywood/ Superstar Shah Rukh Khan has joined the global legacy of “The Lion King”, and is winning hearts with his voice-over as King Mufasa in the Hindi version of the upcoming live-action movie. SRK shared the trailer of the Hindi version on Friday, tweeting “Delighted to be a part of this global legacy”. Since then, the trailer has gone viral in the virtual world.
One user wrote: “Global legacy met a global star — SRK”, while another expressed: “You got me in my feeling there Shah Rukh… lending your voice to #Mufasa is like completing the circle of entertainment”.”We are thrilled with the fans reaction to the trailer,” he added.
Opening about the process of dubbing, Duggal said: “The entire team had a lot of fun during the dubbing, Shah Rukh Khan insisted that we all hear what he does with the dubbing and we will all see how it sounds and make changes before final dub. Shah Rukh Khan is a thorough professional.”