TIL Desk Bollywood/ Ranbir Kapoor has had his share of “coming of age” stories and is now looking forward to “Shamshera”, which the actor believes, is quite a departure for him. Directed by Karan Malhotra, the action-drama is produced by Yash Raj Films and also features Sanjay Dutt as an antagonist. In this film, Ranbir will be seen in a role of dacoit.
“‘Shamshera’ is not a story of a ‘daaku’, but a film based in the 1800s, it is about a dacoit tribe who are fighting for their right and independence from the British. There was a great story of heroism, a story rooted in our country which actually happened back then,” Ranbir told.
“It is a departure from the kind of films I have done, it is not the coming-of-age lover boy roles which I have done often. ‘Shamshera’ is in the aspirational space, the space of true, badass commercial cinema.” A 45-second teaser was released by YRF last month, where Ranbir was seen on a battle field holding an axe and arrows and a Hindi caption that read ‘Karam se dacait, dharam se azaad’. “Shamshera” is set to go on the floors by the end of this year and shooting will wrap by mid 2019.