TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Shilpa Shetty will be making a comeback after 13 years with Sabbir Khan”s action film “Nikamma”. “It feels great. I am ready to take that plunge again and looking forward to be back on the big screen.
It”s a refreshingly unique project and am looking forward to working with Sabbir. I loved my role, and it”s something I”ve never done before … I can”t wait for my audiences to see me in a new avatar,” Shilpa said.
The actress, who was last seen on the big screen in 2007 in “Life In A… Metro” and “Apne”, also took to Instagram to share her excitement about the project.
“My sabbatical of 13 long years comes to an end. I am so excited to announce that the film you will see me next in is ”Nikamma”… Need all your blessings,” she posted.