TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Anushka Sharma, who is gearing up for the release of her forthcoming film ‘Sui Dhaaga’ says that her film will be a full on family entertainer. Anushka Sharma was interacting with media at the launch of Times Green Ganesha along with his co-actor Varun Dhawan on Tuesday here.
‘Sui Dhaaga’ is based on the ‘Make in India’ campaign launched by the government in 2014, which was aimed at promoting the country’s indigenous textile industries.
Talking about subject of the film, Anushka said, “Our country has produced amazing entrepreneurs over the years. I think start-up and entrepreneurship is big deal over here and we have celebrated that in the film.
“Our characters in this film didn’t have the opportunities but they had lot of talent and the kind of struggle our characters go through to achieve their goal is truly an inspiring story.” The ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ actor said she feels everyone has experienced struggle in their lives.