
Terminator 6: Arnold Schwarzenegger confirms his return

Terminator 6: Arnold Schwarzenegger confirms his return

TIL Desk Hollywood/ It seems like Terminator franchise is finally movie into the right direction. According to reports, actor Arnold Schwarznegger is all set to return to the popular sci-fi action film series ‘Terminator’ with the sixth film.

The 69-year-old-actor, while speaking at Cannes shared that he recently met with producer James Cameron to discuss continuing the blockbuster series. He said, “He (Cameron) has some good ideas of how to continue with the franchise. I will be in the movie.”

Few months back, James Cameron announced that, along with working on multiple Avatar sequels he will return to the franchise, which will likely disregard every Terminator film after T2.

The last movie “Terminator Genisys” was released in 2015. It starred Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke and Jai Courtney.

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