TIL Desk Bollywood/ In his eight-year-old career, Ranveer Singh has played a lazy lad-turned-wedding planner, a charming thief, a Gujarati Romeo, a Maratha warrior and most recently a vile Sultan. The actor, who is awaiting the release of his next, “Simmba”, says the idea of working in the Rohit Shetty directorial got all his “adrenaline” pumped up, something he thrives on.
After the mega success of “Padmaavat”, Ranveer is geared up to play a Mumbai cop Sangram “Simmba” Bhalerao in his last offering for 2018. “‘Simmba is the type of film I loved as a kid. The masala film is something that attracted me to become an actor in the first place.
Getting a chance to work with Rohit Shetty who is the king of masala movies is a huge deal for me. I find it very challenging. You have to perform so many things – there is comedy, action, drama- everything together…
“This movie has a lot of all genres. The adrenaline is what I live for and hence shooting for this was a blast,” the actor told in an interview. The 33-year-old actor says he tried his best to get into the skin of the character but felt a bit nervous about working with Rohit.