TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, who has come out with a digital property called “Arjun Recommends”, said there is no room for bad content and for mediocrity as people are exposed to the best of cinema and also documentaries on OTT platforms.
“I”m extremely excited to be an actor living and working in today”s time. We are in the middle of a drastic change for the better and we should celebrate that. There is no room for bad content and definitely no room for mediocrity as people are exposed to the best of cinema, best of documentaries on the OTT,” Arjun said.
The “India”s Most Wanted” star said that the ride of OTT platforms has changed the game. “If you see in the last couple of years, the quality of theatricals has become better. I do feel that we are witnessing the best period of disruption where each medium is pushing the other to do better, to produce content that stands out and are clutter-breaking.