TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Huma Qureshi says that 2018 was a busy, but a fantastic year. The actress will bring in the New Year in London.”This year has been busy, but absolutely fantastic. I can’t wait to bring in the New Year in London with my friends before diving right back into work,” Huma said in a statement.
Huma made her small screen debut this year with “India’s Best Dramebaaz”, and shot for Netflix series “Leila”. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Deepa Mehta, “Leila” is a part of a slate of 17 original made-in-Asia shows announced by Netflix at a conference in Singapore earlier this year.
will be joined by Siddharth in “Leila”. Adapted from an eponymous
novel by writer and executive producer Urmi Juvekar, the series is set in the
near future and tells the story of a mother’s search for her daughter, from
whom she was separated 16 years ago. Huma, known for “Gangs of Wasseypur”,
“Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana”, “Ek Thi Daayan”, “Dedh
Ishqiya” and “Jolly LLB 2”, will resume work on January 5 in