TIL Desk Tellywood/ A mega series on the life of Yoga guru, Baba Ramdev, is set to air across the country on February 12. Made on a budget of over Rs 800 million, ‘Swami Ramdev: Ek Sangharsh’ comprising 85 episodes will air on ‘Discovery JEET’, the new entertainment channel from Discovery India.
S K Tijarawala, spokesperson of Patanjali, a group founded by Ramdev, announced on Twitter, “Mega-series based on the most respected @yogrishiramdev ji maharaj’s motivational life-story of struggle, determination, dedication and accomplishment, Swami Ramdev: Ek Sangharsh’ will start from 12 February, 8:30 pm on @DiscoveryJEET.
A press conference on this mega-series is in Delhi.”The makers are holding a premiere of the show at Delhi’s Chhatrasal Stadium on February 10, open for all members of the public. The show stars Kanti Prakash Jha and Naman Jain in the leading roles.