TIL Desk Bollywood/Legendary singer, the late Mohammed Rafi, will get two new landmark memorials on the occasion of his 92nd birth anniversary on Saturday, in his home suburb of Bandra here. While the 16th Road would be renamed after Rafi, an existing memorial at Hill Road-S.V. Road junction — revamped by a fan club — would be inaugurated on Saturday, 36 years after his death on July 31, 1980.
Top personalities from Bollywood, politics and other fields would be present on the occasion, including Mumbai Mayor Snehal Ambekar and Mumbai BJP President Ashish Shelar. Later, celebs like actor Jeetendra and singer Sonu Nigam, who shared a special association with the late singer, would be felicitated by his fan club.
“We are truly overwhelmed… After so many years, there is so much love and affection for my father,” the late maestro’s son Shahid Rafi told. “There are celebratory functions and musical shows scheduled in many parts of India tomorrow,” he added. The existing memorial on Hill Road-S.V. Road junction bears a plaque reading ‘Padmashri Mohammed Rafi Chowk’, which was renovated and shaped into a golden ball reflecting his timeless ‘golden voice’.