TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood Actress Shraddha Kapoor, who has two very different looks in her upcoming release, “Chhichhore”, says vanity is a very small part of her life in reality. “Vanity is a small part of my profession. That is not all in an actor”s life, so I am quite easy with it. I love playing with colours and different hairstyles.
When it comes to my characters in films, makeup is an important part to build a character,” Shraddha told. In real-life, however, Shraddha says she is not too worried about how she looks. “I am not over-conscious with the way I look in real life.
There are days I many have a pimple, (there are) bad hair days and my skin looks tired because of extensive travel. I am photographed like that at the airport, and I am ok with it. Pimple comes naturally and we all are human, not plastic,” laughed the actress, who endorses several beauty and cosmetic brands.