
We don’t value our soldiers: John Abraham

We don't value our soldiers: John Abraham

TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor John Abraham, who is celebrating success of his recently released film ‘Parmanu – The Story of Pokhran’, has said that “we don’t value soldiers of our country”. John was interacting with media along with director Abhishek Sharma after success of ‘Parmanu’ in Mumbai.

Talking about soldiers of the country who deal with difficulties in their life, John said, “I always say that they are the real life heroes and we are just reel life heroes. I think they should not face any kind of difficulties. They protect us on boarders and here by sitting in air conditioned room, we complain about petty issues in life.

In Siachen (Glacier), they survive in -50 degree Celsius and in Jaisalmer, they survive in +50 degree Celsius so, I think we don’t have any right to complain, whatever we can do for them as a country, we must do for them,” he said.

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