TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/ A 38-year-old man allegedly committed suicide in Maharashtra’s Nanded district over the Maratha quota demand, police said on Tuesday. Kacharu Kalyane hanged himself from the ceiling at his home in Dhabad village of Nanded, located around 570 km from Mumbai, when his family members were out for some work on July 29, an investigating officer in the case said.
A suicide note was found near the body in which Kalyane purportedly mentioned that he was ending his life over the Maratha community’s demand for reservation, he said. The police were verifying the authenticity of the suicide note, the official said. The body was handed over to the family and the last rites were performed the same day, he added.
With this incident, five people have so far died during the agitation by Marathas for job quota over the last one week. A 35-year-old man had allegedly committed suicide by jumping in front of a moving train in Aurangabad on July 29 over the Maratha quota demand, police said. Amid the continuing agitation, the Opposition Congress and the Nationalist Congress Party on Monday approached Maharashtra Governor Vidyasagar Rao, urging him to direct the Devendra Fadnavis government to announce a decision on the reservation issue immediately. Maratha outfits said a mega rally will be held in Mumbai on August 9 in support of their quota demand.