TIL Desk Bollywood/ Filmmaker Karan Johar thanked the makers of Baahubali for letting him being a small part of the project. He also said he doesn’t even have ten percent of director SS Rajamouli’s gumption. Johar, who had acquired the theatrical rights of the Hindi version of Baahubali franchise which he will present under the banner of Dharma Productions, called it “probably the greatest film ever made”.
At the pre-release event of Baahubali 2: The Conclusion at Ramoji Film City here, he said: “This is the biggest movie event in the history of Indian cinema and I have to say I’m amazed. This is pure dedication, pure strength and this is what I want to go back and teach.”
At the event, a special audio-video on Johar’s career was screened. He said he was “stumped”. “Baahubali, 67 years later, has beaten the magic created by Mughal-e-Azam on screen. Rajamouli’s cinema has soul, his personality has gumption and I don’t think I even have ten percent of it,” he said.