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Barclays to keep focus on M&A deals between India & UK

Barclays to keep focus on M&A deals between India & UK

TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi-Barclays today said it will continue to focus on helping merger and acquisition activity among companies of India and the UK. “Our strategy is to help multi-national companies that have got interest in India and serve them here. Indian large corporates have got interest in the US and the UK to get access to financial services in those countries,” Barclays India Chief Operating Officer Ram Gopal said.

In the current global scenario, he said, India is one of the few markets which is witnessing growth.”Given how we are positioned, it seems to be one of the few markets where there is a plenty of opportunities for us to operate. You pick up any sector, there is potential, there is hope, there is positivity,” he said.

Asked about Brexit having impact on business sentiment, he said, “We will have to wait and see when it finally fructifies, but the UK is open to business and Barclays has been open to business.” About any plan for retail banking, he said Barclays will continue to be focussed on investment and private banking.

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