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Britsh PM seeks to unite first ministers over Brexit plans

Britsh PM seeks to unite first ministers over Brexit plans

TIL Desk World/London/ British Prime Minister Theresa May will today meet the first ministers of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in London, where she will face calls for each region to vote on the government’s Brexit plans. The meeting will see Britain’s decision to leave the EU take centre stage, ahead of the formal negotiations with Brussels which are expected to begin next year.

May will meet with Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Welsh FM Carwyn Jones and Northern Irish FM Arlene Foster and her deputy Martin McGuinness. Sturgeon, leader of the secessionist Scottish National Party, has been the most vocal of the first ministers since the June 23 vote. Earlier this month she called for a fresh referendum on Scottish independence if Scotland’s interests are not protected in the Brexit negotiations.

While England and Wales voted to leave the EU, a majority in Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the bloc. In a letter to May ahead of the meeting, Sturgeon called for each of the devolved parliaments to have the chance to vote on Brexit plans. “I also endorse the proposal that the proposed negotiating package should be subject to a vote in each of the four of the United Kingdom’s parliaments and assemblies,” Sturgeon wrote.

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