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China continues to hide and obfuscate COVID-19 data from world: Pompeo

China continues to hide and obfuscate COVID-19 data from world: Pompeo

TIL Desk/World/Washington/  China continues to hide and obfuscate COVID-19 data from the world, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday, asserting that he has seen a significant amount of evidence suggesting that a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan was underperforming and the virus could well have emanated from there.

“I have seen a significant amount of evidence that suggests that the lab was underperforming, that there were security risks at the lab and that the virus could well have emanated from there,” Pompeo told in an interview. “But I am happy to suspend the decision about that. What we need are answers. There are still people dying,” he said.

By Friday, more than 78,000 Americans had died and 13 lakh tested positive for the coronavirus. Globally, more than 273,000 people have died and 39 lakh tested positive for the disease. The American economy and those of the rest of the world have come to a standstill.

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