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China quietly but relentlessly becoming global super power, says expert

China quietly but relentlessly becoming global super power, says expert

TIL Desk/World/Beijing/ China is quietly, but relentlessly becoming a global super power, according to an analyst. In an opinion piece for the Washington Post, writer David Ignatius has said the recent meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Trump in Beijing during the latter’s first visit to China significantly revealed a possible but understated grand and ambitious strategy on the part of Beijing.

Ignatius says in his article that President Xi while talking about and promoting the idea of “win-win cooperation,” with Washington, simultaneously hinted that Beijing retains the patience to achieve its goal of being eventually recognised as a global super power. He describes China’s gentle rise as “mesmerising” and reflective of the Chinese slogan “hide and bide,” which the United States now views as a case of “open power play”.

According to Ignatius, one only needs to see China’s new network of global institutions, including the “One Belt, One Road” plan to estimate and probably accept how it is now challenging the American-led order effectively. According to two unpublished and unclassified studies commissioned by the Air Force, one report estimates that more than 64 nations could receive USD one trillion from China under the OBOR framework.

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