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Donald Trump”s Mideast peace plan ”despicable”: Hassan Rouhani

Donald Trump''s Mideast peace plan ''despicable'': Hassan Rouhani

TIL Desk/World/Tehran/ Iranian President Hassan Rouhani described US President Donald Trump”s Middle East peace plan as “despicable”, the media reported on Thursday.

“Enough of these foolish attempts,” Rouhani said, referring to the White House”s announcement of Trump”s peace proposal for the Middle East region.

Trump”s so-called Deal of the Century is “the most despicable plan of the century,” he added.

On Tuesday, Trump announced the long-awaited political aspect of his Middle East peace plan, a proposal that has already been repeatedly refused by the Palestinians.

The plan proposes a “realistic” two-state solution and recognizes Jerusalem as Israel”s “undivided capital”, according to Trump.

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