TIL Desk Bollywood/ Filmmaker Aanand L. Rai says he does not know whether it is the “fantastic person” or the “magical actor” in superstar Shah Rukh Khan that brings a smile on his face. Rai on Wednesday night took to Twitter, where he shared a caricature of Shah Rukh’s character from his upcoming film “Zero”.
“I really don’t know whether it is this fantastic person or the magical actor in him who brings smile on my face and happiness on the sets. Love you Khan Saab Shah Rukh Khan. Have enjoyed every moment of filming ‘Zero’!” he captioned the caricature.
“Zero” is a story that celebrates life. Its first look featured Shah Rukh Khan as a vertically challenged man. It also stars actresses Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma, who have previously featured with the “Dilwale” star in “Jab Tak Hai Jaan” in 2012. The movie is slated to release on December 21.