TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress-model Gauahar Khan tied the knot to choreographer Zaid Darbar on December 25, and she says she has been so busy since then that there has been no time for a day off. Gauahar adds that there are no more holidays for her till April.
“It’s been less than 15 days since I got married and right after my walima (marriage banquet), I have been shooting every day because I am doing a film and two other shows. So, I haven’t taken a day off since my wedding day. Of course, we both will do a lot of work together. But till April I am shooting for my projects, so I don’t even know when I am going to go for a holiday,” said Gauahar.
The couple has collaborated on several occasions for dance videos on social media. On whether they will collaborate in future as well, she replied: “We are getting a lot of offers in terms of acting and music videos.”