TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress and entrepreneur Shilpa Shetty says that she always wants to remain an actress for her fans and not a business tycoon. While unveiling a jewellery brand on Friday, Shilpa was asked if she has turned into a businesswoman. She said: “I haven’t turned into a businesswoman. It is just that I love doing different things in my life. Some of them work and some don’t. But for the fans, I always want to be known as an actress because my identity has been made through films.”
“It is a kind of commitment ring and this has a lot of memories even more than my wedding ring,” said the actress, who is married to businessman Raj Kundra. Talking about her creative side, Shilpa said she loves to design jewellery. “I always like to wear what people want to copy,” she added. Asked about her comeback to films, she said: “I haven’t decided yet.” She was last seen on the big screen in the 2014 film “Dishkiyaoon”, which was co-produced by her.