TIL Desk Bollywood/ As the protests rage against Movie Padmavati, actress Deepika Padukone has been a voice of reason. Refusing to bend down in front of the fringe which demands her head (literally!) for playing the queen revered by Rajputs, she has time and again said that Padmavati is a film India would be proud of.
Oblivious to the hate campaign, Deepika has said that she has full faith in the film in an interview when asked what is her reaction to detractors demanding her head or wanting to cut off her nose.
Replied, “Well, at this point, as a woman, an artiste and a citizen of this country I feel angry, I feel let down and I also find it amusing.” When asked if she felt scared, Deepika said, “I will never feel scared. Fear is not an emotion I have ever identified with.”
Despite Karni Sena and many other organisations, painted with the same brush, claimed they won’t let the film release on December 1, the actor said that she believes nothing can stop the release of the Sanjay Leela Bhansali magnum opus.