TIL Desk Bollywood/ She is one of the leading style icons in Bollywood but Kangana Ranaut says she was judged for her fashion sense in the initial phase of her career, something which she overcame gradually by “grooming” herself. The actress says a lot depends on how one is launched in the industry, which determines how their journey shapes.
“When I started out, in the beginning, I was judged for my fashion sense. I was from the mountains, so I dressed differently. If you are not launched in a certain manner, if you are not groomed in a certain way, then your journey is a bit different from others,” Kangana told.
The “Tanu Weds Manu” star says since being presentable is one of the most important aspects of the film industry, she had to educate herself with regards to fashion. “Initially, I did feel like I was a bit off. I myself felt that. But then you educate yourself. Grooming is an important aspect so you see people around. In the film business, how you present yourself, express yourself is one of the most important aspects.