TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Deepika Padukone on Tuesday sought to brush away the matter of her remuneration for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati, which is reportedly more than co-stars Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor, saying she was “comfortable” with what she got.
“Talking about my remuneration is not exciting for me. I am confident and comfortable with what I am paid,” she said at the 3D version trailer launch of the upcoming film.
“But let me tell you something and this is something I am really proud of is the fact that people like them (co-producer Viacom and director Bhansali) have invested this kind of money on a film like this and poster like this
…that for me is hugely encouraging… this is the biggest film that Indian cinema has seen not in just terms of scale but in terms of budget and resources, and what is the poster behind it? For me that is the turning point for Indian cinema,” she added. About the uni-brow looks her character Rani Padmini sports in the film, Deepika said she feels women are conditioned to think of beauty in certain way.