TIL Desk Bollywood/ Kiara Advani, who drew unprecedented attention with her performance in “Lust Stories”, says she is now more responsible with her film choices and also more driven than ever. She made her acting debut with “Fugly” in 2014 and was later seen in films like “M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story” and “Machine”, but it was her part in filmmaker Karan Johar’s story in the “Lust Stories” anthology, which brought her wider visibility.
Asked if she feels content with all the attention that she has got after “Lust Stories”, Kiara said, “I feel more responsible with my choices now. I am more driven than ever and determined to work harder and to deliver. I want to make all those people proud who have put in so much faith in me.”
With her acting debut in 2014, Kiara has only featured in five films. She said it was a conscious decision to take it slow. “But that’s also because I wasn’t being offered every exciting film at that time. Today things are different and so I will work harder to keep that up now,” she said. Kiara has now bagged two films — Akshay Kumar-starrer “Good News” and Karan Johar’s “Kalank”, featuring Sanjay Dutt.