TIL Desk Bollywood/ Superstar Salman Khan has congratulated Priyanka Chopra for bagging a major Hollywood project but said he got to know about her exit from “Bharat” just 10 days before the shooting. Director Ali Abbas Zafar had shared the news that Priyanka had left the project while hinting that it was because of her engagement with boyfriend Nick Jonas.
But there were reports of a fallout between Salman and the “Quantico” star, who has just bagged Hollywood film “Cowboys Ninja Vikings” opposite Chris Pratt. Talking to reporters at the trailer launch of his upcoming production “Loveratri”, Salman said if they knew that she had signed a big film in Hollywood, they wouldn’t have stopped her.
“We got to know about it at the end moment and that too 10 days before the start of shooting. We got to know that she wants to leave the film and she has gone home,” Salman said. The actor said Priyanka gave a “different reason” to them about leaving the film. “That time some other reasons were given to us. That (Priyanka’s rumoured engagement to Nick) might also be the reason but this (her Hollywood project) is also a reason.