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Indian military team ready for talks with China in next few days

Indian military team ready for talks with China in next few days

TIL Desk/World/New Delhi/ Amid efforts to resolve the ongoing dispute in Eastern Ladakh, members of the Indian military team are in Chushul preparing for talks with China which are likely to be held in the next few days.

“Members of the military team are in Chushul and preparing for talks expected to be held in the next few days,” sources told. The team has been provided with directions and instructions from the Army headquarters and government officials to help in the resolution of the matter which has entered its second month now.

Talks between the two sides were held on June 6 at the military commanders’ level, including the 14 Corps Commander Lt Gen Harinder Singh from the Indian side while the Chinese side was represented by its South Xinjiang Military District commander Major General Liu Lin at Moldo opposite Chushul in Ladakh.

Even though the talks had not yielded any immediate results on the ground as both sides continue to be in a standoff position opposite each other, they had agreed to continue talks at both diplomatic and military levels to find a solution to the problem.

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