TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Bipasha Basu says it is always a tough challenge for her to play a dark or flawed character. Bipasha featured in “Bachna Ae Haseeno”, which clocked 11 years of release on Thursday and the actress said it was a tough character to play.
She essayed a smalltown girl who survives all odds to become a star in Mumbai in the film that also featured Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone and Minissha Lamba. “(It was a) tough character to play. It’s always tough for me to play a dark character or a flawed character but that’s the challenge.
I enjoy it as an actor. The further away it’s from my real life and the real me. The character becomes more exciting.” The actress plays the role of an aspiring model named Radhika, who later in life changes her name to Shriya and becomes very successful in her career.