TIL Desk Sports/ India captain Virat Kohli on Monday shared a throwback picture of him and actress wife Anushka Sharma, enjoying their time together and soaking up everything that nature has to offer at a seemingly remote location.
“Throwback to when you could go to such beautiful spots in nature. Just to be able to sit together and just soak it all in. With my one and only,” Kohli said in a tweet from his Twitter handle with a picture of both him and Anushka sitting by a river with a beautiful landscape of mountains overlooking the star couple.
Meanwhile, David Warner earlier said he believes that it will be interesting to see Virat Kohli and Steve Smith clash over four Test matches when India travel Down Under. Warner went on to add that it was more about the two teams battling it out.
“In comparison with him [Kohli] and Smith, they are obviously two of the best batters in the world across all three formats. It is going to be a great battle between them if that”s what people are anticipating,” David Warner said.