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Kuldeep misses Dhoni behind the stumps

Kuldeep misses Dhoni behind the stumps

TIL Desk Sports/ Australia’s Steve Smith and retired South African swashbuckler AB de Villiers are the two batsmen, India’s leg-spinner Kuldeep Yadav finds most challenging to contain.  Yadav, who went through a prolonged lean patch in 2019, said both the batsmen have unique abilities.

“Smith plays me mostly off the back foot. He plays the ball very late as well, so it becomes challenging to bowl to him,” Yadav told Deep Dasgupta. Yadav also said that he misses Dhoni’s inspiring presence on the field.

“When I started my career, I wasn’t good at reading the pitch. I learnt about this aspect after I started playing with MS Dhoni. He would often tell me when I needed to spin the ball or where I needed to pitch it.

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