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Mufti’s shameless government misplaced priorities: Omar Abdullah

Mufti’s shameless government misplaced priorities: Omar

TIL Desk/National/Srinagar-Opposition National Conference leader Omar Abdullah today attacked Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti, saying her government had “misplaced” priorities and was “shamelessly” trying to convey message of normalcy in the state hit by violence.

Referring to the 1931 Martyrs Day commemoration function here, Omar wrote on Twitter, “Brazen shamelessness of the @MehboobaMufti ‪#‎BJPDP Govt, ferrying people in police buses to state function to convey normalcy has returned”.

The former chief minister said more than 30 people have died and all Mehbooba and her party want to do is put up party flags and get police to ferry people to her function.

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