TIL Desk Bollywood/ Just over three months after marrying actor Angad Bedi, Neha Dhupia on Friday announced she is expecting her first child. The couple is looking forward to the new beginning. The actress made the announcement on social media on Friday.
“Here’s to new beginnings… #3ofUs,” she posted, sharing a series of photographs where the happy couple is posing. Neha glows as she proudly flaunts the baby bump. In one of the images, Angad is cradling the bump, and in one image, he is pointing at it.
The announcement comes after months of speculation, and several appearances in flowing and loose attire making the paparazzi wonder whether it was an attempt to hide the bump. “Ha! Turns out this rumour is true,” Angad posted on Instagram.
Now Neha is not hiding the bump anymore. She will be walking with Angad at the ongoing Lakme Fashion Week’s Winter/Festive edition here on Saturday. Neha and Angad surprised everyone with their hush-hush wedding in May.