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Over 30 dead as gunmen dressed as doctors raid Kabul hospital

Over 30 dead as gunmen dressed as doctors raid Kabul hospital

TIL Desk/World/Kabul-Gunmen dressed as doctors stormed Afghanistan’s largest military hospital on Wednesday, killing more than 30 people in a six-hour attack claimed by the Islamic State group as it makes inroads into the war-battered country. Around 50 others were wounded in the assault on the Sardar Daud Khan hospital, with explosions and gunfire rattling Kabul’s diplomatic district as dense clouds of smoke rose in the sky.

Medical staff hunkered down in the hospital wards posted desperate messages for help on social media. TV footage showed some of them trapped on the ledge of a top-floor window. “Attackers are inside the hospital. Pray for us,” a hospital staff member wrote on Facebook.

Hospital administrators told three gunmen wearing white laboratory coats began spraying bullets after a suicide bomber on foot blew himself up at the backdoor entrance, sparking chaos inside the 400-bed facility. “I saw one of the attackers, armed with an AK-47 and dressed as a doctor, shooting at patients and guards on the third floor,” hospital nurse Abdul Qadeer told.

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