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Pakistan on edge ahead of SC verdict on Sharif

Pakistan on edge ahead of SC verdict on Sharif

TIL Desk/World/Islamabad/ Pakistan is waiting with bated breath for the Supreme Court’s decision in a high-profile case against Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif and his offspring amid speculation that an adverse ruling may force him to step down. The Supreme Court announced yesterday that its five- member bench will issue a verdict in what is called the Panama case today.

The case was launched on November 3 and the court held 35 hearings before concluding proceedings on February 23. The case was based on several identical petitions by Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chief Imran Khan and others about alleged illegal assets of Sharif’s family in London. The assets surfaced when Panama papers – a collection of leaked documents – showed that they were managed through offshore companies owned by Sharif’s offspring.

The petitioners have asked the court to disqualify 67- year-old Sharif under Article 62 and 63 of the constitution because he was involved in corruption. It is generally believed the court may not disqualify the Prime Minister but it may pass comments which will bring moral pressure on Sharif to step down. “I don’t think he will be disqualified but his moral authority may be impacted,” said Manzoor Wassan, a senior leader of opposition Pakistan People Party (PPP). Asif Ali Zardari, the co-chairman of PPP, in an interview with a private TV channel asked Sharif to resign in case the decision went against him.

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