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Pakistan PM’s son grilled over Panama Papers

Pakistan PM's son grilled over Panama Papers

TIL Desk/World/Islamabad/ Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s son Hussain Nawaz appeared before the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) in connection with the Panama Papers probe into the familys assets, the media reported on Monday.

Headed by Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Additional Director General Wajid Zia, the JIT grilled Hussain Nawaz on Sunday for about two-and-half hours at the Federal Judicial Academy (FJA) here.

Though he has raised objections against two of the six JIT members, which will be taken up by the Supreme Court on Monday, Hussain Nawaz told the media that since the court had not issued a restraining order, he had complied with the team’s directions and preferred to appear before it in person.

“I received a notice from the JIT yesterday (Saturday) and was asked to appear on May 28,” he said. The JIT was formed by the Pakistan Supreme Court last month for the implementation of the Panama leaks verdict which said there was not enough evidence to disqualify Prime Minister Sharif.

But in a 3-2 judgement, the apex court ordered a fresh probe into allegations of financial irregularities and money laundering against the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister’s son had said earlier that he wanted to appear before the JIT in the presence of his lawyer.

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