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Pakistan urged to extend military support to Kashmiris

Pakistan urged to extend military support to Kashmiris

TIL Desk/World/Muzaffarabad-The United Jihad Council (UJC) chairman Syed Salahuddin on Thursday asked Pakistan to extend “military support’ to Kashmiri freedom fighters to help them accomplish their long-cherished goal of freedom from India.

“The festering (Kashmir) issue is not going to resolve through talks or resolutions’ Pakistan should militarily support Kashmiris by providing resources to the mujahideen,’ he said at a press conference here. “If the mujahideen get military support, not only Kashmir will clinch freedom but the map of the subcontinent will also undergo a change,’ he added.

He, however, declined to elaborate the kind of military support required by the militants. “India invaded and occupied Kashmir at the strength of its military might and military occupation can hardly be brought to end through politics or diplomacy,” he maintained. The UJC chief pointed out that after the martyrdom of Burhan Wani, the mass movement in Kashmir had been on its peak.

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