TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actors Parineeti Chopra and Sidharth Malhotra have commenced shooting for their upcoming film “Jabariya Jodi”. Parineeti on Monday tweeted the film’s first look.
In the image, the “Ishaqzaade” actress and Sidharth are standing on two sides of a wedding chair, while a man dressed as a groom is sitting on it, but his face is not visible.
She captioned the poster: “Announcement – shooting begins! Sidharth Malhotra.” Directed by Prashant Singh, “Jabariya Jodi”, is set in Patna, Bihar. The film is co-presented by Balaji Telefilms and Karma Media Entertainment.
Producer Ekta Kapoor wrote: “Yeh jodi zabardast bhi hai aur jabariya bhi (This couple is the best)! Presenting the first look of ‘Jabariya Jodi’.” Sidharth and Parineeti had earlier shared screen space in the 2014 film “Hasee Toh Phasee”.