TIL Desk Sports/ India skipper Virat Kohli on Sunday said that players getting a chance in the team before the ICC World T20, scheduled to be held next year, will have to prove themselves in a short span of time as the team management is trying to figure out a perfect balance before the mega event.
The Men in Blue will play around 30 T20I matches before the World Cup and Kohli said that each individual coming in the team should have a mindset to make their mark. “We are very clear. It is not that anyone will get 30 chances.
Even when I came in the team, I didn’t think I will get 15—20 games and I knew I will mostly get chances in three to five games and I have to prove myself. One will get suppose five chances and he will have to prove himself. That is the level we are playing at. As the team management has that mindset, the individual should also have the same,” Kohli said.