TIL Desk Bollywood/ Indian actress Priyanka Chopra has been roped in director-writer Shonali Bose’s next titled “The Sky Is Pink” and has already started prepping for the Hindi film.
Priyanka on Sunday night shared a photograph of the film’s draft on her Instagram stories. The draft also mentioned that the film is written by Bose.
She captioned it: “And it begins… Prep. Hindi movie. “The “Mary Kom” actress later posted a photograph of herself in a car enjoying looking at the Mumbai rains.
“The Sky Is Pink'” reportedly revolves around Aisha Chaudhary, who became a motivational speaker after being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis at the age of 13.
Bose has previously directed films like “Amu” and “Margarita with a Straw”. She even produced the 2012 film “Chittagong”.