TIL Desk Bollywood/ Batting legend Sachin Tendulkar has made his singing debut with a track dedicated to the country’s greatest cricketing stars, who have glorified the sport. Titled ‘Sachin’s Cricketwali Beat’, the song is composed by Shamir Tandon. It features Tendulkar and singer Sonu Nigam’s vocals.
The song is part of the promotion for Tendulkar’s recently launched digital platform ‘100MB’. “‘Sachin’s Cricketwali Beat’ is a very upbeat and feel good number. It’s a unique collaboration with the supremely talented Sonu Nigam, specially made for my new app 100MB,” Sachin said in a statement.
“This is the first time the audience is going to see me sing and I hope all my fans enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed singing it,” he says. Sonu heaped praise on Tendulkar, saying he is a gifted singer and blessed with “something divine.”