TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/Criticising the BJP for pulling out of the alliance government with PDP in Jammu and Kashmir, the Shiv Sena today said people are tired of the BJP’s “conspiracies”, and that it needs lessons in speaking the truth. The Shiv Sena also accused the BJP of “once again” starting “election politics” in the northern state. It was the BJP’s proposal to ally with the People’s Democratic Party or PDP in the first place, and it had done all the running around to ensure it comes to power in Kashmir, the Sena said.
“The BJP has pulled out its mask and started election politics in Kashmir once again. After enjoying three years in power, the BJP says the government was not working, it could not work with the PDP, terrorism had increased and development of Leh, Ladakh was being ignored,” an editorial in Shiv Sena mouthpiece ‘Saamana’ read.
Once again an environment is being created in Jammu and Kashmir and a new mask is being put on. “People are tired of these conspiracies now. Somebody should start giving them lessons in speaking the truth,” it stated. BJP president Amit Shah conveniently distanced the party from the mess the Kashmir valley was put in, the Marathi daily stated, noting that the PDP was blamed for all the violence in the state.