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Sharif terms LoC firing by India as ‘naked aggression’

Sharif terms LoC firing by India as 'naked aggression’

TIL Desk/World/Islamabad-Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today termed as “naked aggression” the “unprovoked firing” by India across the LoC that resulted in the death of four civilians and three soldiers and said India has failed to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

In a statement, Sharif “condemned the Indian firing across the Line of Control (LoC) which targeted a passenger bus and also paid tribute to the soldiers killed in a separate firing incident across the LoC as tension mounted between the two countries after heavy exchanges.”

“Despite our exercise of maximum restraint in the wake of continuing naked Indian aggression along LoC resulting in the death of innocent civilians including children and women, India has failed to comprehend the gravity of the situation, he said. Sharif “condemned in the strongest words the unprovoked firing by Indian security forces on a civil bus carrying innocent civilians along LoC near Neelum valley.”

He said no responsible state can permit targeting innocent civilians in general and ambulances carrying the injured in particular. “In fact, India is trying to divert the attention of the international community from the grave human rights violations and atrocities being committed by the Indian security forces in Kashmir,” he said.

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