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She’s vomiting on Twitter: Sonu Nigam on Sona Mohapatra

She's vomiting on Twitter: Sonu Nigam on Sona Mohapatra

TIL Desk Bollywood/ Singer Sonu Nigam has responded to Sona Mohapatra’s tweets against him, saying that though she is “vomiting” on Twitter, he would like to maintain decorum. Mohapatra had voiced her disapproval with Nigam for his reported comment in support of Anu Malik, who is facing #MeToo allegations.

She had earlier called the music composer a “serial predator”. Nigam was quoted as saying at a media summit over the weekend that Malik, his longtime friend, was accused without any proof and had maintained a dignified silence on the #MeToo allegations.

In a statement on Thursday, the singer said, “The respectable lady vomiting on Twitter, is the wife of someone who I consider very close to me, so although she’s has forgotten the relationship, I’d like to maintain the decorum.”

Nigam said women with courage shaming their oppressors is a “refreshing” change. “Only an animal will not support #MeToo movement. Women with frankness and courage, shaming their oppressors, is a refreshing sign of changing times.

“Women have been long oppressed throughout the course of history and it’s high time to end this Tribal mindset of treating them like properties or trophies, and now they walk hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder with men,” he added.

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