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Six protestors killed in Fresh clashes in Kashmir

Six protestors killed in Fresh clashes in Kashmir

TIL Desk/National/Kashmir-Former J-K CM Omar Abdullah has just tweeted saying, “Six protestors dead in Kashmir in 24 hours but WTH let’s go sort out Balochistan since we are doing such a good job in J&K at the moment!!!”

This comes in the wake of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Independence Day speech where he took a dig at Pakistan without naming the neighbour — for glorifying terrorists and succumbing to a life influenced by terrorism. Three persons were killed and five injured in fresh clashes between stone-pelting protestors and security forces in Magam area of central Kashmir’s Budgam district today, taking the death toll in the ongoing unrest in the Valley to 61.

A group of youth pelted stones at a CRPF vehicle at Aripathan in Magam area this morning. In the retaliatory action by the security forces, three persons were killed while five others sustained injuries. Curfew, meanwhile, remained in force in entire Srinagar district and Anantnag town while restrictions were in place in the rest of the Valley as normal life remained paralysed for the 39th consecutive day.

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