TIL Desk Bollywood/ Sushant Singh Rajput”s demise has once again stirred the debate around the alleged practice of nepotism and power play in Bollywood and a lot of celebrities are opening up with their experiences. The latest is singer Sonu Nigam, who has said that he is a victim of power play by a Bollywood actor without mentioning the name.
“An actor, the one at whom everybody is pointing fingers these days, has done this with me, saying I should not be made to sing, the same actor has done this with Arijit Singh also. What is this? How can you use your power like that?” Sonu Nigam says in Hindi in a vlog shared on Instagram.
“You make nine people sing the same song. Please be a little easy. Please be a little more kind so that more people do not commit suicide,” he warned. “You might soon hear about suicides in the music industry,” Sonu Nigam captioned his vlog post shared on Thursday where he talks about the Mafia as ruling the music industry and deciding the fate of artistes.