TIL Desk Bollywood/ For actress Chitrangda Singh, who has turned producer with “Soorma”, the forthcoming film on former Indian hockey team’s captain Sandeep Singh’s life, is really close to her heart.
Chitrangda told the media: “It is based on real incidents and in a way, we are acknowledging real life hero Sandeep Singh. We always look upon aspirational value of heroes which we see on-screen, which is fictional and created by writers and filmmakers. But Sandeep Singh led a very dramatic life.
“He got injured by a bullet. Despite that, he became captain of the Indian hockey team, so it’s really an inspirational story and it inspired me a lot. It is really close to my heart. We have made this film with a lot of effort and heart. We took around two and a half years to release the film, and so I hope the audience will appreciate it once it is released.