TIL Desk Bollywood/ Priyanka Chopra says women have “always been treated as second-class citizens” and unlike men, they are forced to adhere to certain standards of beauty. The 35-year-old star believes rather than submitting to the societal norms, women should focus on loving themselves and being confident in their own skin.
“We’ve always been told that only one of us can win and only the best one will get the cutest boy and only the best one will get the job, that we spent so much time elbowing each other out of the way, pulling each other down.
“Can we, for a second, love ourselves and say, ‘I do not need all of these magazines to tell me how to lose the weight or how should I starve because I wanna please a man?'” Priaynka said in an interview with Allure magazine. The actor said people have always doubted women’s capability, so they should stop berating their own selves.