TIL Desk Bollywood/Filmmaker Karan Johar, who shares a close bond with Shah Rukh Khan and his family, has welcomed Suhana Khan to the spotlight with an endearing message. Karan’s wish comes after King Khan unveiled his 18-year-old’s first ever magazine cover.
The ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ director tweeted, “Have seen her on stage and had my heart bursting with pride!! She is stunning, soulful and a bonafide talent! Welcome to the spotlight my darling! Even in its harshest moments it will envelop you with immense love….and thank you for never calling me UNCLE! Love you.”
SRK’s daughter Suhana has made her entry into the glamour world by becoming Vogue India’s cover star for August issue. The ‘Zero’ star took to social media to share the cover, writing, “Holding her in my arms again thanks to @vogueindia . ‘What imperfect carriers of love we are…” except when it comes to our children. So sending u all my love & a big hug. Hello Suhana Khan!”